Cappella Mediteranea



The dream I had when I founded Cappella Mediterranea nearly twenty years ago is now taking shape. Our opera projects and international concert tours are multiplying. The audiences that accompany us are growing and rewarding us for daring to present programmes that are pure “science fiction”, as we interpret yesterday’s music in service of today’s emotions. To keep up this momentum, we need you. Thanks to your entrepreneurial spirit and your willingness to explore uncharted territory, our approach resonates with you. It is one that is as ambitious as it is innovative, as we constantly strive for excellence, all while appealing to all kinds of audiences and working for the common good. We do not only want to build a support system. We want to build a network of partners.

Leonardo García Alarcón

Sponsorship programme

All forms of support contribute to the dynamic growth of the ensemble, whether it comes from foundations, small and large companies from different sectors, sponsorships or partnerships.


Cappella Mediterranea is supported by the Ministry of Culture – DRAC Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Region, a Swiss family foundation, a private Geneva foundation and the City of Geneva. In 2016, Cappella Mediterranea was awarded the status of Ensemble à Rayonnement National et International by the French Ministry of Culture, and in 2020, it became a certified “Compagnie Auvergne Rhône Alpes”.

Aline Foriel-Destezet is Cappella Mediterranea’s main benefactor.




The circle of entrepreneurs brings together company directors from all walks of life who share the ensemble’s values and wish to introduce their colleagues and clients to the artistic projects led by Leonardo García Alarcón.

Sponsors and project partners


List of Members

Some of our members wish to remain anonymous.

List updated on 10 April 2023

Clémence Altenburg

Christine Batruch-Hawrylyshyn

Yvan Beuvard

Alain and Geneviève Brunet

Anne-France and Guillaume Bucaille

Frédérique de Bueil

Caroline Caffin

Jean-Pierre Caffin

Baudouin and Virginie Caillemer

Maryvonne Collignon

Yves Dachary

Franck Donnersberg

Romain Dufrêne

Diane Etter

Anne-Marie Evrard

François and Henriette Ewald

Pierre Faugier

Christine Favez Ritter

Anne Geisendorf

Nadia Goldadler

Yves and Valérie Gollety

Agnès Gonckel

Catherine Grand-Perret

Agnès Grenier Lacouture

Elisabeth and Jean-Jacques Grisel-Staub

Marinette Groux-Extermann

Solange Guex

Catherine Guinand

Antoine and Christine Guinand

Françoise and Jacques Haeberlin

Raymond Hänni

Bernard Harcourt

Jacques Henry

Christian and Margaret Hureau

Heike Ibig

Marc Jobin

Marie and Jean-Philippe Kapp

David Lachat

Brigitte Lacroix

Hugues and Emma Lavandier

Élisabeth and Éric Leroy

André and Heidrun Levet

José Masters

Marie-Hélène Mazuir

Moïse Mayo and Karoline Knoth

Marie-Hélène Mazuir

Charles and Françoise de Mestral

Georges-Henri Meylan

Anne-Sophie Montagné

Nathalie Morel

Regis Muletier

Kranklin Khazine

Didier Patel

Henri Paul

Didier and Marie-Dominique Patureau de Mirand

Agnès Perrot-Gonckel

Véronique and Mathieu Philippe

M. Pissettaz

Christopher and Adeline Quast

Josiane Racine Stamm

Dominique Rafat

Anne and Philippe Rahms

Hannie Raymond Ernest

Caroline-Denyse Rilliet

Monique Esther Rotenberg

Olivier Simon Schneider

Noëlie Schoenlaub

Marina Somers

Racine Stamm and Josiane Andrée

Odette Toulet-Castera

Mireille and Gérard Turpin

Marianne Vogel

Christine Vuagniaux

Christophe Willmann

Louis-Marie Xhurdebise.



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