Leonardo García Alarcón
Artistic director
Envoyer un emailThe ensemble is supported by AECM, a French association, and Utopia, a Swiss association, under a partnership agreement.
Administrative address
Cappella Mediterranea, AECM – Tour Essor
14, rue Scandicci, 93500 Pantin
+33 (0)9 51 49 49 78
Registered office address:
C/° CCR Ambronay BP3, 01500 AMBRONAY
Julie Robert, president
SIRET N°: 528 236 391 000 25
APE: 9001z – VAT : fr09528236391 – Licenses 2-1045306 and 3-045307
Cappella Mediterranea, Utopia association
Postal Box 90 – Maison Internationale des associations – rue des Savoises 15, 1205 Geneva
Catherine Finci, president
Cappella Mediterranea is supported by the Ministry of Culture – DRAC Auvergne Rhône Alpes, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region, the city of city of Geneva, a Swiss family foundation, a Geneva private foundation, and its circle of friends and circle of entrepreneurs, including Diot-Siaci, Synapsys, Chatillon Architectes, Quinten and 400 Partners.
Aline Foriel-Destezet is Cappella Mediterranea’s main benefactor.
The ensemble is a member of Fevis (Fédération des Ensembles Vocaux et Instrumentaux Spécialisés) and CNM (Centre National de la Musique).