Cappella Mediteranea

Meet the team

Leonardo García-Alarcón

Artistic director

Claire Baudo

Managing director

Fabián Schofrin

Music assistant

Rodrigo Calveyra

Music assistant

Jérôme Vavasseur


Maud Balizet

Administrative and financial manager

Adeline Rahms

Production manager

Manon Pidoux

production officer

Charlotte Blin

Artistic coordinator

Cécile Delloye

Head of development and cultural activities

+ 33 (0)6 64 11 22 62

Pierre Redoules

Public Relations and Sponsorship Officer

Stéphane Leys

Distribution manager

+ 32 (0)475 66 33 35

Gérald Philippe

Distribution manager

+32 (0)478 32 19 70

François de Maleissye-Melun

Communications manager

Florence Riou

Press officer

+ 33 (0)8 80 58 85 56

Administrative information

The ensemble is supported by AECM, a French association, and Utopia, a Swiss association, under a partnership agreement.

In France

Office address :
Cappella Mediterranea, AECM
7, rue Cadet, 75009 Paris

Head office address :
40 Chemin de la Pissette, 74520 Savigny

Julie Robert, chairwoman
Didier Patel, treasurer
Anne-Sophie Montagné, secretary

SIRET NO. : 528 236 391 000 25
ape : 9001z – tva : fr09528236391 – Licences 2-1045306 et 3-1045307

In Switzerland

Cappella Mediterranea, UTOPIA Association
P.O. Box 90 – Maison Internationale des associations – Rue des Savoises 15, 1205 Geneva

Françoise Haeberlin, chairwoman
Caroline Rilliet, treasurer

Cappella Mediterranea is supported by the Ministère de la Culture – DRAC Auvergne Rhône Alpes, the Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, a private foundation in Geneva, the City of Geneva, a Swiss family foundation, Brigitte Lescure, and by its Circle of Friends and Circle of Entrepreneurs with Diot-Siaci, Synapsys, Chatillon Architectes and 400 Partners.

The ensemble is a member of the Fevis (Fédération des Ensembles Vocaux et Instrumentaux Spécialisés) and the CNM (Centre National de la Musique).